August 30, 2019
Monica Kim Garza
Free & Easy
August 30, 2019
Monica Kim Garza
Free & Easy
Monica Kim Garza is a Mexican-Korean artist who was born in Alamogordo, New Mexico. She currently lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia where she specializes in painting care-free, ethnically and racially ambiguous women of colour of all shapes and sizes. She is known for her nude, contemporary portraits and sculpture works which have been shown all around the world.

Michael Nyarkoh
Monica Kim Garza
How does working in the medium of sculpture and painting differ for you? Are there different places you are taking inspiration from?
It’s a different feeling. More of my body is in it. A total body connection with sculpture. Essentially they are all from the same inspiration.. a lot of the sculptures are the secondary objects or creatures in my paintings and I’m just making them 3D.

What’s exciting you right now?
Right now I’m making ceramics, sculptures and that’s always exciting.
Is there a medium you are hoping to start using soon, or hope for more opportunities to work with it?
I’d like to start working with wood.

What does a perfect space for women look like for you?
One where we feel free.
Are there consistent themes / narratives in your work?
Just the theme of life.. a lot of it is inspired by my experiences in life..